Saturday, 18 December 2010

Wood for construction

 Many people use wood as the main material of construction such as slope, rafters, beams, sills, floors, walls and roof ceiling.
We worked 9 years diKalimantan, disulawesi 3 years, 3 years of Sumatra and on Halmahera many familiar sources of raw materials and many friends.
Often small-scale demand we serve in a container with very price variation at all.



 The process of documents is often a barrier so that the current wood prices have soared.
Seller selektive timber growing and the number of failures for those who are new to the business.
The number of local players from the source material is less syncrone with ordering procedure and procedure documents.
So take - very careful to be seen from legality.

About Me

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About Us we ensure that our exports of tropical wood products are rated high in quality and free from all kinds of disabilities. To ensure the same we are very careful when selecting our vendor base. We are proud to have a great natural potential that never runs out and prove natural resources since the era of Indonesian history which ensures that many investors to come and work and safe. we have been able to capture the global market with a of our products are diverse.